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Survey123 exporting to EXCEL Issue

10-11-2024 04:20 AM
Emerging Contributor

i have a begin repeat in my form, I have two questions. (select one)

1. please choose a fibre cable: Answers: 1 -10  (Select Multiple)

2. Please chose a POE: Answers 1-12


How can I when I export the data to an excel that the POE answer goes onto the next row instead of being bunched up in one cell with cable fibre matching in row C





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1 Reply
MVP Regular Contributor

That looks correct?

Repeat = new table.

Then each repeat entry will create a new table row. Your two questions will be columns in that table.

Select one = one value in a cell.

Select multiple = multiple values separated by a comma in one cell.

So the screenshot appears correct. If you're seeing something different or expect a different result please clarify.

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