I have a survey where submissions are going through, but they are displaying blank on the data tab, so you cant see the details
I also get "Data error" on the feature layer data tab in ArcGISonline
But I can see the details if i export the data to a spreadsheet
Any ideas how to fix this?
By default, surveys are now published with the edit settings configured to "Editors can't see any features, even those they add". For security purposes, we recommend using the Survey123 Manager site to create a results layer by establishing what groups you would like to see results. Once this results view is created, you can use it for viewing submitted records, or building downstream applications.
What @KayleeRivera said.
I will only add that I prefer to set up all my View layers in Portal directly, rather than the S123 Website. End result should be the same, but I find working with Views within Portal considerably easier.