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File Type error when editing submitted survey if upload document is Required

01-24-2022 06:45 PM
New Contributor II


i have few "file type" questions in my survey that are "required"

these questions are under different section of survey that don't get submitted at once.

this means the field user go for first part of inspection and capture some information also upload few excel sheets and submit the survey - (no problem at stage)

then user comes into office and edit the survey from Inbox and tick on and complete other section of inspection attache more excel sheet to required upload file question type.

when user goes to submit the survey it gets warning that  previously completed upload file question are missing the file upload and you have to upload the file again !? and takes you to your earlier section with file attachment. and in the same time there is no clip-note to click and add the file !?

i hope i haven't get everyone confused ! i know when you copy to new inspection from Inbox you don't get the attached photo and file to come over but it should work when you edit the inspection from Inbox and also the second problem that it missing the clip-note icon to add those files.

i'll appreciate your thoughts on this

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1 Reply
by Anonymous User
Not applicable


Are you referring to using the Survey123 field app? If so, currently the file question type is not supported for Inbox workflows were editing/updating attachments is required.

Only the image question type (and signature appearance) currently support adding and editing/updating existing records when attachments.



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