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use pulldata to prepopulate image question with photo from previous survey

07-06-2023 02:16 AM
Status: Open
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Regular Contributor

Use pulldata functionality to pre load image questions with attachemnts from previous surveys rather than setting defaults from the media folder.

I have a survey workflow where a user goes to site, sets up a number of survey locations and takes photographs, notes, a geopoint question etc. Sometime later they may go out and re-survey the same location and i have successfully used the search() appearance in a select_one to choose their project from the feature class of the first survey and then another select_one search() to allow them to select the filtered locations for that survey.  Following this i have used the pulldata calculation to populate a note with their description and also default the location of a geopoint question. All this is there to help the surveyor find and identify the same location (they can be quite well hidden) It would be great to also be able to pull through the photos taken in the first survey as well. I understand they can use field map to click the location and see the attachemnts etc and then open up survey 123 but as i am using repeats it wont be able to carry over and preload survey 123 from the field maps feature class