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Floating panes

11-16-2022 11:13 AM
Status: Open
Labels (2)
Frequent Contributor

I would really love to see an appearance option for certain types (I imagine group and repeat, possibly others) that allows a compact group/repeat to scroll with the user as they navigate a form on their device in the field.

Here is a potential use case that comes to mind from my own experience: for those who may not know, telecommunication towers are built through stacking (usually) identical steel subsections atop one another to whatever height is required. My organization inspects such structures, often repeating the same set of measurements and observations numerous times as a structure is ascended. Any given section will definitely need such and such measured, and for this a stationary repeat is perfectly suited. However, any given section may also contain one or more defects, which themselves can be varied in nature and come with their own set of measurements. Defects must be tracked and reported separately from observations of the norms. It would be so ridiculously handy to have a little button in my survey form that moves along with me through the form so that, as I climb a structure and inspect it, I can quickly add a trackable observation to the current tower section regarding a defect without constantly having to scroll back and forth between the chunks of the form that track standard observations and those that track defects.

Thanks for reading! I have never submitted an idea to anything like this before, so if this is seen as one worthy of being fleshed out further, please let me know and I will provide what I can.