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Add "List View" for Survey123 Connect, more columns for sorting or filtering

01-08-2024 08:37 AM
Status: Open
MVP Esteemed Contributor

When I open Survey123 Connect, I see a basic "tiled" view:


We have an ever-growing list of surveys in our org, most of which I maintain. The titles for some of them are pretty long, too, and most don't have thumbnails. That means that for me, most of the screen space is utterly wasted, and the information I actually need is not being displayed.

In our organization's content, these forms have different sharing settings, tags, folders, and categories. Finding forms belonging to specific programs or teams is easy there. In Survey123 Connect, less so.

I would love to see a "list" view of forms on the main screen, and the addition of other columns to sort and filter.


Thanks, @DougBrowning ! I always try to find duplicates before posting an idea, but somehow that one didn't show up when I searched for "Survey123 Connect List"... I must have had some other filter on by mistake.
