Data for Juvenile Index Crimes by Census Tract

10-02-2012 08:19 PM
New Contributor

I am wondering if someone may help me locate some very particular data.

I am trying to find index arrest counts for juveniles (age 17 and under) by census tract.  I would need all index offenses individually (i.e., arrest rates for homicide, arrest rate for criminal sexual assault, arrest rate for robbery, etc.). 

I need this information for the city of Chicago, by Census Tract or by the 77 Chicago Community Areas.  My unit of analysis is Chicago Community area, but if I have the census tract, I will be able to aggregate up.

Finally, I need this data for the year 2007.  I am unable to find this data on the city of Chicago's website.  I was able to obtain this information by police beat, but, about 40% of police beats overlap into multiple Community Areas. 

I know it is a tall order, but, if anyone knows how I could get this information, it would be very much appreciated!!

Thank you!
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MVP Emeritus
Chicago PD would be the first place I'd look.  That is a tall order; the thing about data and data analyses is sometimes you have to take what you can get; if it's by beats or what ever, you'll need to do some manipulation to get it into census tracks.  Given that it's data about children, that makes it even tougher...
That should just about do it....
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