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Multiple sidecar switches in docked type

06-26-2021 05:26 PM
Status: Needs Clarification
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

Hi, I wondered if in the sidecar (mostly docked panel), there could be an option to switch between sides in a single sidecar? This might be a more convenient way to break up some of the monotony for a longer sidecar section.


1 Comment
Status changed to: Needs Clarification

@EphriamDaniels -- Due to the mechanics of how sidecar works we don't currently offer that option. However, I think you can get pretty close to creating the effect you are looking for simply by adding multiple sidecar blocks in a row. Just change the panel position on alternating sidecars.

Could you give this a try and let us know if there are any issues with this technique?