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(70 Posts)
Esri Contributor

You'll definitely want to try out these new enhancements.


2 0 193
Esri Contributor

Demonstrate the power of location-specific connections with slides that put your dynamic maps and data front and center and can even be shared offline. Briefings, a new slide-based presentation output of ArcGIS StoryMaps, has been updated and released in ArcGIS Online.  


3 0 240
Esri Notable Contributor

A BIG update for ArcGIS StoryMaps and briefings just dropped...


3 0 192
Esri Contributor

The November 9, 2023, ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 release brings exciting advancements to ArcGIS StoryMaps. Tell even more engaging stories with your data and maps, and new in beta is the ability to create slide-based presentations with briefings

Check out our What's New blog article to learn more.

2 0 215
Esri Notable Contributor

This is the final update for the issue that occurred last week related to maps not loading in some stories.

A fix for this issue has been deployed and we are no longer able to reproduce the issue in the stories where it was reported.

If you owned or were using one of the affected stories, we regret the impact this had on your experience. If you implemented one of the workarounds provided in the previous announcement, you can undo those changes if you wish.

This issue was recorded as BUG-000162373 in the Esri Support system.

If you believe you are still seeing this issue, please contact Esri Support and/or post a new thread on the ArcGIS StoryMaps Question board.

The previous announcements related to this issue are here:

6 0 336
Esri Notable Contributor

Earlier today we posted an announcement about an issue that has been affecting some stories: ANNOUNCEMENT: Issue with some maps not loading - Esri Community

We wanted to share an update that we have found a fix for this issue that is currently being tested and verified. Our current plan to deploy the fix in a patch Monday evening.

We regret any inconvenience this may have caused. There are several workarounds described in the original announcement that can be used if you have an immediate need to fix this issue in a particular story. Please visit the link above for more information.

4 3 496
Esri Notable Contributor

We are tracking an issue that was introduced in an update earlier this week where maps may not load in some stories. Please read this announcement for details.


7 5 998
Esri Contributor

The briefings app is a companion to your ArcGIS StoryMaps briefings. You can now access and share your briefings on the go from your iOS and Android tablets, and Windows computers and tablets providing a viewing, interacting, and presentation experience at your fingertips. For more information, please read our announcement blog article .  

 Please provide any feedback or issues encountered through the in-app feedback or Esri Community

What's New?

Here is the list of updates that have been added in the March 28th, 2024 update :

  • Support for the web layers using the ArcGIS secured services and/or sample server hosted layers within Web Maps and 3D Scenes that are hosted outside the user's current ArcGIS Organization.
  • Logo appearance enhancement in header and/or cover.
  • Added arrow keys inside the briefing slides on the header to navigate back and forth.
  • Settings page will now show the fully qualified hostname of the current organization if available.
  • "Left", "Center" and "Right" alignment text content is fully supported now.
  • Improved map tools and layout inside Maps and 3D scenes.


Below is a list of issues you may encounter while using this release of the briefings app and a preview of what is planned for future releases.  

Known Issues and Limitations 

We are aware of the following issues and plan to address them in an upcoming release. 

IOS specific 

  • A downloaded icon may show for non-downloaded briefings under the “All Briefings” tab only (fixed) 
  • In some instances, when you pull down to refresh, the user interface may not update properly 
  • Bold and italic styling is not yet supported in text blocks 
  • When choosing recent used URLs in dark theme, the URL will appear dark for the first time 
  • Text shows single line and then truncates it on table of contents, slide titles and map pop-up identify for some cases 
  • GIF images do not animate and are shown as static image when added in logo or image block
  • When the numbered list has 10+ items, the list gets pushed right giving some space in front of single digit items

Android specific 

  • There may be a lag when switching tabs, showing an empty screen instead of a graphic when there are no briefings to display. Please pull down to refresh if this occurs (fixed)
  • Map tools have an offset placement issue (fixed)
  • Tapping on the search bar in the map causes the briefings tablet app to crash (fixed)
  • Some web scenes fail to expand correctly when clicking the expand button (fixed)
  • Swipe block for maps do not have expand option (fixed)
  • Scrolling within the embedded content view can interfere with the swiping gesture for the briefing slides (fixed)
  • If the images have a focus configured which is different from the default, it does not show the focus
  • The screen may flash initially in the briefing slide before an embedded resource loads
  • Text shows single line and then truncates it on gallery card, table of contents and map pop-up identify

  • When web layers having embedded credentials are added in some IWA portal, the briefing shows Sign-in challenge
  • All the items inside the numbered list always pushed to right giving some space in front of the text regardless of number of items

Windows specific

  • There is UI sizing issue when windows screen is resized while inside briefing (fixed) 
  • Identify pop-up window in swipe block for express maps does not display (fixed) 
  • Some downloaded briefings show blank page on opening them and are not readable (fixed) 
  • Offline to online behavior does not display correct toast message in some cases (fixed) 
  • On clicking on My Briefings filter in disabled network, it shows offline empty state (fixed) 
  • Swipe block may have issues in the swiping gesture (fixed) 
  • Bold and color styling is not yet supported in text blocks (fixed)
  • The sign-in button does not respond after signing browser has been closed without logging into the app. It would require restarting the app (fixed)
  • Video glyph beside the link to resource is missing and shows as space (fixed)
  • Some special characters do not get encoded correctly in Briefing slide title and TOC (fixed)
  • After installing the app on some non-English language/locale environments, it may fail to launch. In this case please install the VC++ redistribution package from and then relaunch the app.   Alternatively, you can install the app on an English language/locale environment first and then switch to the non-English language and launch the app successfully. 
  • Windows shows single line and then truncates the text on gallery card, TOC and map pop-up identify 
  • Images in expanded view do not zoom in/out for non-touch devices only.
  • Windows always takes to cover page when minimizing and again maximizing the app. 
  • There is UI issue with mouse wheel gestures while inside briefing.


  • The continue button on the sign-in dialogue does not get highlighted, but it is fully operational (fixed)
  • Swipe blocks with maps are not yet supported (fixed)
  • Some icons that are dark by default are not tinting properly at times (fixed)
  • Some icons are not visible in the dark theme. Please use the light theme (fixed)
  • Enterprise support is currently only for OAuth and SAML authorizations (fixed)
  • Icon tint issues (fixed)
  • Scene tools disappearing on slide view (fixed)
  • One extra busy indicator appears on the gallery page when pulled down to refresh (fixed)
  • Add to favorites / Remove from favorites does not respond in My Downloads tab (fixed)
  • View full details does not redirect to the ArcGIS Online metadata page in My Downloads tab (fixed)
  • App crashes when downloading a draft briefing (fixed)
  • Express maps in the web tier authentications like IWA, LDAP and PKI do not show the picture marker images in online briefings
  • Sign-in may fail the first time when using Facebook
  • You may experience an inability to sign out when signed in with a Gmail or GitHub account 
  • Briefings using Google Fonts show the Summit theme fonts as the default 
  • Scene layers within a legend for web scenes are not supported
  • 3D basemaps are not supported for web scenes 
  • Popups with hyperlinks show as normal text 
  • GIF images may not be sized as expected when added as resource link from ArcGIS content 
  • Videos does not honor the theme background color

What’s Coming 

We are considering the following updates for future releases:

  • Update offline briefings
  • Search, and groups filter on the gallery page 

4 0 839
Esri Contributor

Learn some tips and tricks to elevate your stories with help from ArcGIS Arcade.


5 5 759
Esri Contributor

Learn more about the latest updates to ArcGIS StoryMaps from the August 2023 release, including briefings in beta.


3 0 281
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