With esri map version 2 Maplibre native sdk tries to load the tiles from relative paths instead of absolute paths

08-26-2022 01:02 PM
New Contributor

We were using maplibre native sdk with esri version 1 map which was working fine.

We had to update to latest version of ESRI maps with  the update we are getting issue of relative path when loading the tiles

For example with the following url,  when maplibre sdk   tries to load  the styles


Maplibre native sdk tries to load the tiles from "tile/0/0/0.pbf" without token and  base url.

Map seems  to  start work if we add the base url and the token with the tiles which wold be "https://basemaps-api.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World_Basemap_v2/VectorTileServer/" + tiles/0/0/0.pbf + ? token={token} 


Is there anyway to load style https://basemaps-api.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/styles/ArcGIS:LightGray?type=style&token={token...  in  such a way that  we don't have to modify the maplibre sdk?

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