hello i am trying run script to create db in postgresql on linux (we using arcgispro 3.3 and postgressql 15)
but get error:
Creating geodatabase 'map' ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 5, in <module>
File "C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\ArcPy\arcpy\management.py", line 7919, in CreateEnterpriseGeodatabase
raise e
File "C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\ArcPy\arcpy\management.py", line 7916, in CreateEnterpriseGeodatabase
retval = convertArcObjectToPythonObject(gp.CreateEnterpriseGeodatabase_management(*gp_fixargs((database_platform, instance_name, database_name, account_authentication, database_admin, database_admin_password, sde_schema, gdb_admin_name, gdb_admin_password, tablespace_name, authorization_file, spatial_type), True)))
File "C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\ArcPy\arcpy\geoprocessing\_base.py", line 520, in <lambda>
return lambda *args: val(*gp_fixargs(args, True))
arcgisscripting.ExecuteError: [Setup was unable to access the st_geometry library [ERROR: could not access file "st_geometry": No such file or directory::SQLSTATE=58P01]]
Connected RDBMS instance is not setup for Esri spatial type configuration.
ERROR 003422: Setup was unable to access the st_geometry library.
Failed to execute (CreateEnterpriseGeodatabase).
after some research i downloded ArcGIS Pro 3.3 ST_Geometry Libraries (PostgreSQL), copied PGSQLEngine.so and st_geometry.so files to /usr/lib/postgresql/15/lib and now get error:
arcgisscripting.ExecuteError: Setup st_geometry library ArcGIS version does not match the expected version in use [Success] st_geometry library release expected:, found: RDBMS instance is not setup for Esri spatial type configuration.
ERROR 003425: Setup st_geometry library ArcGIS version does not match the expected version in use.Failed to execute (CreateEnterpriseGeodatabase).
as i understood there's some file version dismatch.
which files i should use?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Looking at this doc: https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/help/data/geodatabases/manage-postgresql/setup-geodatabase-... you only need to place the st_geometry file in that location.
Did you download the file from My Esri or somewhere else?
Looking at this doc: https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/help/data/geodatabases/manage-postgresql/setup-geodatabase-... you only need to place the st_geometry file in that location.
Did you download the file from My Esri or somewhere else?
i tryin run script from arcgispro 3.3 software
yes, i downloaded st_geometry library (linux) from MyESRI arcgisPRO 3.3 downloads section.
yes i copied st_geometry.so and PGSQLEngine.so to my postgresql server in /usr/lib/postgresql/15/lib
nad i got error:L ERROR 003425: Setup st_geometry library ArcGIS version does not match the expected version in use.Failed to execute (CreateEnterpriseGeodatabase).
so which version of st_geometry i should download?
That should be the correct version. You may want to contact Esri Technical support to work with them on this issue.
that was my fault - i use 3.3 files with 3.2 software.
thanks a lot for help.