Adding Attachments to Shapefile Layer

05-10-2023 04:10 PM
Occasional Contributor

I am looking to add some maps to a water main shapefile that's drawn in so workers in the field can see these. I am able to add attachments to a File Geodatabase but am unsure how to add them to a Shapefile layer. The water main file cannot be saved as a File Geodatabase.


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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Not sure if this will help but I've had to do similar tasks. There is a geoprocessing tool called "Enable Attachments." Run this tool to allow for attachments to be added. Next, select the point, line or polygon that you want to add an attachment to. Then right-click the highlighted item and select "Attributes." In the attributes pane, you should now see a tab called "Attachments." Select that tab. From here, you can open File Explorer and drag/drop the maps into your shapefile. 

Good luck, I hope this helps!!

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Occasional Contributor III

Might want to look into hyperlinks as an option.

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