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Select Layer by Location — Intersect (DBMS) — Support ST_Geometry in Mobile Geodatabases

01-02-2024 12:18 AM
Status: Open
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Esteemed Contributor

In the Select Layer By Location (Data Management) docs, the Relationship Parameter — Intersect (DBMS) section says:

For the Relationship parameter, the Intersect (DBMS) option may provide better performance than the Intersect option when using enterprise geodatabase data; however, this option is only supported under specific conditions. If all conditions are met, the spatial operation will be performed in the enterprise geodatabase database management system (DBMS) rather than on the client. Consider the following when using this spatial relationship option:

…Supported geometry storage types for this option are ST_Geometry (IBM Db2, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and SAP HANA), PostGIS (PostgreSQL), SDO_GEOMETRY (Oracle), and Geometry and Geography (Microsoft SQL Server).

I don’t see Mobile Geodatabase ST_Geometry in the list of supported datatypes. Please add support for that datatype, beyond just Enterprise GDB spatial types.

Even if it didn’t provide much of a performance improvement, since both the application and db are local, it would still be beneficial to be able to track down the resulting database view/SQL query, and utilize/study/modify its spatial SQL query and possibly use it elsewhere (spatial SQL queries are hard to write from scratch, especially when using unfamiliar datatypes).