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Redesign Font Pull-down Menu

02-10-2023 02:34 PM
Status: Open
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Frequent Contributor

Right now, I am searching through the Esri fonts to find the ideal character to build a specific symbol.  I select a font and look at all the symbols then go to the next font.  Every time I open the font picker, I have to scroll down the entire list of fonts to get to the Esri fonts.  I can see the current font and the previous fonts, but I really want to go straight down the list to the current font.  Most of the time, I am not looking for alphanumeric characters.  I am looking for Esri fonts with cartographic characters.




Could you move the scrollbar down to the All fonts section and open the All fonts section to the current font every time we open the font picker?  That way, the recent fonts are still quickly accessible, but people who want to go through the list start where they left off, not at the letter A every time.

If you have a better idea, great.  I just want to open the font picker and pick the next font below the current font.  This should be two clicks.


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