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"Copy Map to Clipboard" in ArcGIS Pro?

04-23-2018 02:50 PM
Status: Implemented
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

A real time saver is missing from ArcGIS Pro 2.1 and previous versions....

Copy map to clipboard existed under the Edit menu in ArcMap, but no existing functionality exists in Pro.  Using "Copy map to clipboard' and pasting into PowerPoint was the quickest way to build presentations.  Turn off and on layers, zoom to a location, select copy map to clipboard and paste into your PowerPoint. 

We need this function built into ArcGIS Pro.  It could be a button on both the Share tab in the ribbon along with Print and Export.  Exporting to a graphics file and inserting a picture in PowerPoint is too time-consuming along with managing all the files you create along the way. 


More importantly, if you were in data or layout view, that's what you got in the clipboard, which is very handy. Firing up the Snipping Tool isn't quite the same

Status changed to: Under Consideration
Status changed to: In Product Plan
Status changed to: Implemented

Implemented in ArcGIS Pro 2.8.

See Ideas in ArcGIS Pro 2.8 and (4:56) in the video.