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Once a Customer Idea is reviewed by Esri staff, add a link to a document that lists Esri team concepts that were cancelled

05-21-2024 05:00 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

I am sure many of our ideas have been brought up by Esri dev & design team members but were cancelled due to reasons. (If not, the Esri world is scarier than I thought previously)

Create a list of such Esri internal ideas and then link to it from a paying customer Idea once it is reviewed by an Esri team member. 

This will give us, as paying customers (and beta tester veterans in the case of ArcGIS Pro), an insight into why some concepts were cancelled. This may make it easier to understand why some very obvious UI & Workflow features are missing and also support Esri staff to know that their ideas are not useless.

Case in point is dockable & customisable toolbars that seem to have been an internal-only project for a while. 

Another example is the regression of the Feature Properties settings in the Share as Web Layer workflow that were hidden behind a click at some point after Pro 1.x


I requested an enhancement through our local distributor at some point but could never find the reason why this was done. 

This idea applies to the entire Esri stack but as I spend most of my time & energy in the desktop this would improve my efficiency most in this context.