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More option tool "convert Multipatch to Raster"

12-23-2016 12:51 AM
Status: Open
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Deactivated User

This tool converts multipatch features to a raster dataset. The output raster stores the Z values of the input multipatch features at each cell center location. To determine the Z value for each cell, a vertical line is extended from the cell center location to intersect the input multipatch features. The maximum Z value from the points of intersection is assigned to the output raster. An output cell will receive a value if the cell center falls within the footprint of one or more input multipatch features; otherwise, it will be assigned NoData.


It would be interesting add an option to assign the mean or minimum Z value from the points of intersection to the output raster.


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1 Comment

Hello Lorenzo, apologies for the belated reply! The Multipatch To Raster tool was enhanced in ArcGIS Pri 2.9 to support outputting the max or min value. The tool can certainly be enhanced to accommodate outputting the mean value as well, but it would be helpful if you can share a use-case scenario.  In the meantime, the mean can be computed by using the Mosaic tool with the "mean" option specified in the "Mosaic Type" parameter.  It can also be computed through the Raster Calculator.