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Measured Grid - Enhancements Needed

10-07-2014 01:08 PM
Status: Closed
Labels (1)
Deactivated User

We really require several enhancements to the dynamic measured grids.  All of these can, of course, be done if the grid is converted to graphics. 

1) Ability to add direction and/or units to the grid labels

- This is not only useful but also a requirement for many government and legal documents.
2) Ability to send the grid and labels forwards and backwards so that they don't overlap other annotation.
3) Have the standard text enhancement, particularly the masking so that interior lables will not be overlapped by the grid lines.
4) Have the option for the labeling to rotate with a rotated view so they they are parallel to the grid line.
5) Allow the standard line labeling postiions (i.e. above, centered or below the grid line).

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Status changed to: Closed

Closing this as the ideas can be done in newer versions of ArcGIS Pro. Support for them was added at various times. To learn more about how to customize labeling for measured grids or to add additional components to customize your grid see the Measured Grid help documentation