We use Arcgis-Pro (2.1.3) to render fly-through animation of our city, which often still is an easy way to comunicate 3d-content beside Arcgis Online.
However, it takes very long time (days) to render a few minutes, if it dosnt crash... (yes, I read about the tricks to reduce and optimise content, quality and so on...)
Even a blank scene showing only a basemap takes 3h to render 5 min...
We expirienced that it helpes to render bit by bit, lets say 500-1000 frames instead the whole 5000 frames at once.
It seemes the more frames we like to render, the more data is "prepared" before the process even starts: memory consumtion shoots up to the limits and above causing crashes.
Maybe someone lookes into this...
(By the way, Im also wondering why the same content and data shows up so much faster in Arcgis-Online (firefox) than in Arcgis-Pro... )