Full right-click menus on command search results

05-16-2022 01:37 PM
Status: Open
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Frequent Contributor

In ArcMap, using the search box, you could R click on a GP tool to quickly batch the tool (or whatever. Different options appeared for different item types).


R clicking on a result in ArcGIS Pro's search only gives options related to the QAT and ribbon.


You do get the desired menu if you use the dedicated search in ArcToolbox.


The only menu item as it stands that I see being useful is the Add to QAT button. If I just searched for something and right clicked the result, I'm probably not looking to do any of those other things. The other options available in ArcMap and ArcToolbox are much more relevant and should be included there for consistency and efficiency. Especially if we're being herded to command search as the answer to Pro's labyrinthine interface. The search window should at least have full functionality.