If I make a change to a feature class's properties in Catalog, such as renaming it or registering it as versioned, then Catalog refreshes the list of FCs in the connection, and navigates away from the FC (to the top of the list).
That's fairly aggravating. We have to scroll through the list of hundreds of objects in the EGDB to find the FC to resume what we were doing. If the operation takes a couple of minutes, we might even forget what we were doing by the time it refreshes. Or when we go to navigate back to the object, we might accidently go to the wrong object. Little things like that could be avoided if Catalog didn't navigate away from the object in the first place.
I understand why it would need to refresh after a change. But it would be better if Catalog could scroll back to the FC and re-select it. Or just refresh the affected object(s), instead of the entire list, avoiding the need to navigate away from the object.
Could Catalog be enhanced so that it doesn't navigate away from an object after a change is made?