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Callout Labeling

07-30-2012 09:45 AM
Status: Closed
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

Give the same controls to callout labeling as you have when creating a text callout from the drawing toolbar.

Such as:       Point control - the ability to move the start point of the callout
                     Leader control - the ability to select the callout and move the box to adjust the leader

give these abilities without requiring the label be switched to annotation so they can stay dynamic.

Tags (1)

I dont think they have made any improvements when it comes to labeling, but I have a high demand in my Organization for Callouts. 

Status changed to: Closed

See below for your requests:

   Leader control - the ability to select the callout and move the box to adjust the leader

This requires the labels to be converted to annotation.  Once converted you can select the annotation and move it to adjust the leader

 Point control - the ability to move the start point of the callout

Presently you can set the anchor point for callouts on a polygon layer.  Are you looking for similar functionality with line layers?  If so we have this idea that you can add your kudos to