We work usually with the national CRS, which uses metric units. We defined a custom basemap gallery and selected a basemap in our national CRS as default basemap. It gets displayed fine. However, the displayed coordinates are always using lat/lon. We know, we could create a project template and change the format of the displayed coordinates there. However, we would like to encourage esri to implement an option to display the coordinates according to the displayed basemap / map. Meaning, if we add a basemap in EPSG2056 or change the CRS of the map in another way to EPSG2056, the displayed coordinates change automatically to that system. In case of EPSG2056 it would display the coordinates as follows: 2'600'000.3, 1'200'000.3. No degree, no E/N, no "m".
Should we then add a layer which changes the CRS of the map to another system, the displayed coordinates change accordingly.