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AGOL Web App no longer Publicly Shares

11-18-2022 08:32 AM
Emerging Contributor

The web app is here -- 3D Data Preview (

The sharing level is set to everyone and all the layers I own are also set to everyone. I can't seem to figure out what has changed in the service that now a user must login in order to view the web app. The web scene used in the web app uses the Terrain 3D ArcGIS Tiled Service Elevation Layer and the World Imagery Tile Layer.

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2 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor

You're using Web AppBuilder.

I've passed your information on to the dev team, but would encourage you to connect with Support as they are better able to document and work with the dev teams to find a resolution.

Since Web AppBuilder is based on our JSAPI 3.x, I'd recommend that moving forward you might think to use ArcGIS Experience Builder, or ArcGIS Instant Apps, both of which are based up out JSAPI 4.x. If you choose those, you'll also be able to use all of the capabilities in Map Viewer.

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Esri Frequent Contributor

The issue seems to be Web AppBuilder specific. Here is a test case using those same layers in the 3D Viewer Instant app: 3D proxy test (

I also tested in WAB to repro the issue:

I'd still encourage you to work with Support, but depending upon your app needs either the 3D Viewer Instant App or Experience Builder would be alternatives for the moment.



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