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Web Experience Layers Widget not honoring View layer fields when exporting to CSV

4 weeks ago
Status: Open
Emerging Contributor

We are trying use a view layer inside of a web experience, to be able to export a data table, but with limited fields-hence we created a view layer from a hosted feature service. We generated the view layer from the hosted feature service so the exported table would reflect the attributes/fields in the view, while still retaining the data in the original hosted feature layer for other uses.

However, the Web Experience, and an Instant Apps (we tested to see the behavior) are reverting to exporting a CSV table with ALL the fields from the original hosted feature layer and don't honor the fewer number of fields in the view. 

This is our workflow. 

  1. Publish Hosted Feature Layer
  2. Create View with hidden fields
  3. Create Web Map with View layer
  4. Create an experience builder application
  5. Add WebMap
  6. Add layers widget to the widget toolbar and enable export action from the view layer in the data tab
  7. Set data action for export

We have reported the bug to ESRI support team and would like to see the layers widget export the view layer fields not the original feature layer view!