I have been playing around with Experience Builder and using a map. Ironically, it is in the map, where I have the hardest time linking out to other information or experience items! A list allows me to place in a button and navigate to different pages, windows, urls... but a pop-up, which is somewhat of an equivalent, is built to behave differently in a mobile view compared to a large or medium screen size view. The mobile view collapses the popup and users don't always understand that they need to click or slide up to expand the pop up. I am hoping that this is a feature that can be considered in the next release. While I am new to experience builder and the new map viewer, a map pop up on a mobile device should be able to be configured to be collapsed or not. My workaround to this behavior means replacing the title of my pop up to say (Mobile users click to expand pop-up) since it hasn't been that intuitive for my viewers to do so. And how about allowing for expressions on the bottom? the zoom button is great, but I want to use that space for a button that will link to other items (pages, windows, section views, urls) in an experience. I don't have access to developer edition tools, so I cannot customize things... Thanks for looking.