We want use collaboration between orgs to get contractors to develop content in our account, so that we have full ownership and control of the content that we pay for. At the moment this is not possible using org to org collaboration. Our contractor seem to be able to only edit data and not add new content work on maps/esperiences etc which is 90% of the work for us.
Our contracting partners have full ESRI/AGOL licenses already to create and manage content. We only have basic admin accounts to manage our AGOL account.
We have to do hacky workarounds at the moment like sharing our admin account password with them to get them to upload content directly to our account, or alternatively buy extra licenses that we don't actually need and would be duplicating the contractors existing licenses.
Would it be possible to enhance the collaboration permissions model to allow an 'outside collaborator' to edit any content in our account. This could be similar to how Github works etc for outside collaborators to work on private content. I would suggest this would be a good model to emulate. It would also be great to use the collaborators existing license seat if possible, or at least have some minimal cost to the content host organisation for this service, rather than having to pay twice.