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Enable search in a web map on a field with a domain

Status: Open
Regular Contributor

Currently, we cannot enable searching a field that has a coded domain, even if the coded domain is of the Text type, per documentation:

It would be really cool and helpful if we could enable a search on such a field though. This is currently possible using the search widget in WAB and Experience Builder, so why not in the web map and, ultimately, within Field Maps?

More context on a specific use case: Being able to search a field that has a domain applied to it has been requested by my colleagues several times. The field in question is the scientific name of an invasive plant, and to avoid mis-spellings we have created a long domain list (with an option for OTHER if the species name does not exist in the list). We would love to be able to search for a specific record that already exists on the map which we are in the field, using Field Maps. Field Maps is preferable over Survey123, as we want the map-centric approach.