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Customize filters & categories in Portal

04-23-2019 06:11 AM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

Add option settings in My Organization page to to customize the way filters and categories are managed in the portal 's gallery page.

The general idea is that :

1) All users (also not-signed in) could browse the gallery page using filters, based on the Categories defined at Portal/organization level.

At the moment not signed users can't see any categories in gallery page except the ones defined at some group level. This means that :

  • you have to create a group that has the only reason for this scope
  • you have to re-create the categories in this grooup : in our case we have a 3 tier categories tree with INSPIRE themes, Environmental classifications, OGC service Types  availability, with hundreds of voices to create. This had to be done manually because there are no import or copy tools so the probability of errors is high.
  • you have to re-assign each element in the group to the categories  same as above, very time consuming,  boring and  easy cause of mistakes.

This could be implemented in the Organization Setting page  (Gallery Tab) leaving the option to point the gallely to a specific group or to al the portal content , then adding a new Option dialog (checkbox):

"  X 

2) The default filters (Items type, tags, creation date etc)  could be selected or customized by the portal admin , chosing for example if to show or not to show them in galley page.

For example I'd like to

  • hide "Modifiied Date" filter
  • show items type filter only at higher level : show only "layer" and not his subtypea (map image layer, feature layers..)
  • show only tags created in" my organization" or a predefined list of tags useful for filter option (better)

3) Add OGC Data Types   as defined filters

I'd like to search for WMS, WFS, WMTS, WCS, REST,KML service : 


For points 1 and 2 something similar has been recently  introduced  in the new Category Gallery App  (AGOL march 2019 release): the idea is that these settings should be implemented in  AGOL/ Portal core elements (i.e  Gallery page setting).

best regards