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Copy item detail page link without my org's prefix

03-24-2023 12:11 PM
Status: Open
Honored Contributor

I would appreciate if somewhere on the item detail page were a copy button for the item without my org's prefix. For example, if I find a dataset on Living Atlas that I want to send to someone outside my org or even at my workplace that doesn't have an AGO account, and I just copy the URL, it includes the 'organization.maps.' prefix and prompts the user for a login. Yes, I can be careful to select out only the portion starting at '' but this requires a mouse and a bit more dexterity then a quick Ctrl+L > Ctrl+C. Plus, links without "https://www." don't always hyperlink correctly depending on where you're going with it. There is a button similar to what I'm requesting that generates a short link, but this is less versatile as it requires the user to paste it into a browser to access the item ID. A button right next to that with the long link would be fine.