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Chat & Message Boards in ArcGIS subscription accounts

02-08-2012 04:58 PM
Status: Open
Deactivated User
The idea is to have "walls" to post questions, anouncements, etc. in a non-public facing section of an ArcGIS subscription account.  This would look similar to other social networking sites. There could be additional "walls" in the landing pages for each group that gets created. So, only people who are members of the organization can read and post on the main wall. Only members of a particular group can post to that group's wall.
Content already has the ability to be rated and commented on, which is very useful. This would be the next logical evolution.
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I think it would be helpful to have the "chat" capability to maybe answer the questions someone might have while working on a project. Some other users might know how to do that they need to do and be able to walk them through it through the chat window. I dont feel like it needs to be like facebook or myspace but I do feel that the chat capability would be great to have. The ArcGIS Support team could be some of the administraters of the chat and users could also chime in with their answers to the questions if they feel it would be helpful.