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ArcGIS Online Username Active vs. hibernation

07-25-2023 07:18 AM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

This idea is meant to allow for flexibility within an ArcGIS Online organization's username accounts for managing which users can access the usertypes available. I want to the ability to place a username in "hibernation" to allow me to "activate" a different username in its place.

Scenario, I have 20 field worker licenses, but I have 24 employees that could be utilizing these 20 licenses. However, not every employee would be using these licenses at the same time, but sporadically throughout a field season. So, I would have a need to place one username into "hibernation" and then pull another username out of "hibernation".

Currently, you are only allowed to have the same number of usernames as you have usertype licenses. There is a requirement to "delete" the user account in order to add in a new employee. Once you delete the username, then it is no longer allowed to be used again and you have to reassociate/reassign all contents to a different "active" username. Which means you have to assign all content to an existing username, create a completely new username for the individual, and then reassociate/reassign all contents over to the new username.

The idea is that I can make a username for all 24 employees and that would use the "field worker" license usertype. However, there would be a "switch" that would give said username the ability to access and use the benefits of the usertype license or be put into "hibernation".

All of the content for a "hibernating" user would still be accessible by the organization for use within the day to day and controlled by the Admin or a Group Admin the content belongs to. This would allow for a more fluid workflow process for accessibility to ESRI products; IMO, that would cut back on the number of "used" usernames, admin shifting of content back and forth, and wasted time.


I love this idea and given that Esri are pushing for all ArcGIS Pro licensing to be done via named users, and that they'll be getting rid of concurrent user licensing in 2026, I think there'll be a lot of people wanting this functionality to help manage their ArcGIS Pro licenses.


Yes, I didn't think Esri would be any of the people wanting this functionality to help manage ArcGIS Pro licenses 😄