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ArcGIS Online Member Reports - Sort By Date

02-07-2022 06:40 AM
Status: Open
Emerging Contributor

Real-world Problem: I want to track a subset of usernames in my large organization to see when was the last time they logged in. Specifically I want to target and identify users who have not signed in for a long time so I can make sure they still have their username and credentials.

Technical Problem: The ArcGIS Online Reports are great! But when I export the Member Report, the spreadsheet Last Login Date is in the following format (see below). By using the day of the week, I cannot easily sort by date.




Solution: Do not include the day of the week as the first string? Sorting by month would be ok, but perhaps you could just use a long date format? 20220207 09:00:00 UTC. Anything that makes it easier to filter my usernames (because we have thousands) and sort by date would be acceptable.

1 Comment

I would just add that for all date and time fields in all reports there should be an Excel compatible version.  Thank you.