Address privacy concerns for the 'Reassign Content” and “Receive Content” privileges - restrict the ability to view all folders for all users

02-10-2023 05:11 PM
Status: Open
Regular Contributor

The “Reassign Content” and “Receive Content” privileges in the Content grouping are great in concept; however, I have privacy concerns with current arrangement that prevents me from enabling this across a university organization. The idea would be to rethink the process for how users transfer ownership of content by supporting notifications and/or other communication between those transferring and those receiving content to address current privacy concerns. This is specifically for the permissions of a user, not the permissions listed under the Administrative functions.

Currently when I assign this permission to a user, it automatically grants those assigned this privilege to view folders for all users within the organization who can “receive content”.

I’d like to give this permission to students to transfer class or research content to their faculty or research partners, but in order to do this additional privacy measures need to be addressed. Even if I’m receiving content, why does a user need to grant someone else the ability to view all their folders?

One idea from this post Option to Restrict the 'Reassign Ownership' privilege based on Administrative Groups, or similar does a good summary of this: “Perhaps another way to address this is to put the power of transferring ownership in the combined hands of the owner of the content and the person who is receiving it. The content owner could select one or more items and specify a receiving user. That would trigger notification to the receiving user, and they could review the list of content and choose to accept or reject the items.”

Without these privacy concerns addressed, the burden to transfer ownership of content for universities and other educational entities will likely fall on a few individuals who will have to micromanage this.

1 Comment

To further support the ability for the receiving user to accept or reject the transferred items, this allows the receiving user to organize the transferred content in the folders they wish, rather than the original content owner deciding where to put them.