ISSUE: Sometimes I need to create multiple web apps from the same web map using different templates (Web App Builder or a configurable template) and when I do, I'm left with a number of Web Mapping Applications listed on My Content page. It is difficult to discern between these apps and I have to click and view the item details page for each app. This gets annoying fast. SEE ATTACHMENT
Yes, a simple solution is to rename each web app differently (i.e. My App - Minimalist, My App - Web App Builder, My App - Story Map). However, because the web app's title is inherited from the title of the item, I don't want my apps to be called, "My App - Story Map."
SUGGESTION: Add a sub header of some sort underneath the words 'Web Mapping Application" to indicate the template used to create that app. Something like "Web Mapping Application (made with the Minimalist template)."
BENEFIT: Allow users to quickly discern between different web apps and make the ArcGIS Online experience even more user friendly.
Number of people positively affected by this suggestion: at least 1