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Add an item ID alias so URLs to items can be simplified

12-09-2022 11:44 AM
Status: Open
Regular Contributor

The URLs to items in AGOL are difficult or impossible to remember.  In an items properties add a string that can be used in an URL to open the item.  e.g. instead of  be able to make the URL  that would redirect to the item's page.  The alias text can be just defined in a text box n the Overview or Settings section on the item's page.

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Same question regarding Portal. We JUST started deploying it yesterday and it seems like it would make sense to be able to change the folder name of an item (maybe some JSON / meta files too) so that the Portal on our own domain just uses that alias for web apps, experience builders, and the like instead of random alphanumeric without having to deploy using any Developer tools.

Again....I just started looking into this 5 minutes ago and came across this post. I may find out that I can do this in Portal in another 5 minutes.