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07-29-2014 05:57 PM
New Contributor

@Dear Employees ESRI


We appreciate your message and notify that we have already started the process of acquisition of AGOL renewed for another 3 years, given the importance of this GIS tool in our everyday institutional activities.


I forward a copy to the local business manager who we're dealing with that subscription renewal of AGOL


We also suggest a list of improvements for the development of AGOL, which we consider crucial to keep this tool at our institution.






- Charging System

The charging information BY gdb hinders the development of WebMaps it is not possible to insert the topics gdb individually, just the whole.

- Labels

Creating a tool that enables the lettering of the themes in WebMaps is required.


- Online display of coordinate pair

We would like ESRI to develop a primary and basic tool found on Google Earth for example, that with the mouse cursor was displayed the pair of coordinates on any map published in AGOL.


- Symbols

The symbols available for the composition of WebMaps is very restricted. It is important that the editing environment maps allow the loading of a style file (. Style) customized.


  - Permissions changes

The page where you can edit the properties of the "Feature" ("editing" out of webmap environment) brings options permission level for editions of shapes contained therein:

. Add, update and delete features

. Update only the attributes of features

. Add only features

However, this page does not provide a tool that allows for individualized shapes of this package (Features), including as regards the amendment of the fields in the attribute table editions.

A tool that allows enabling editing specific fields in the attribute tables, enabling and disabling some other tool ('Configure Attributes' in 'Configure Pop-up'), is available on the webmap environment.

The problem observed is that it is configured for the X shape on a map (with respect to the fields of enabled for editing attributes table) does not apply to the same shape on another map.

Thus, just open this shape on a new map to unconfigure all security setting that was determined.

Thus, there is no way give a basic level of security of the information contained in the attribute table (blocking key fields for editing) and allow at the same time collaboration to enrich the information, ie, the change in other fields of table.

Though the content available in our community be public and we are using the environment as a collaborative tool to enrich the information available, it is necessary to give a basic level of security for this information.

Whereas a shape is used in more than one map and by more than one user, it is essential that the author can determine permissions editing environment maps unlinked to the form.

Our claim is that this tool is available out of webmap, and that certain configurations there are worth in any project (map) that use this shape.


- Featured Groups

For selected highlighted by admin login and are shared to the general public on WEB groups, there is a limitation of only 10 groups, which does not meet our demand. We wish there were customizing a template that configures to vusualização more than one web page to enable the visualization of how groups are necessary for my organization in AGOL.



kind regards





Otavio Cabrera De Léo


Geographer - Central GIS Coordinator


Secretary of State for the Environment of Rio de Janeiro

Environmental Sanitation Program of municipalities around the Guanabara Bay (PSAM)

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