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Network Analyst Orders Drop Down Menu

09-10-2014 09:19 AM
Deactivated User

I am in the process of working through a vehicle routing problem using arcGIS Maps. I have used orders to "trace" over routes, but when I hit a certain number, I believe it was 1000-1500 orders, I cannot access the drop down menu to edit them. I am fairly new to using network analyst, so I have a feeling I am missing something. If someone could help solve this issue, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Yes there is a limit to how many orders we show in the NA Window. It can start to slow down as we are populating so many items in that window.If you need to work with that data, you can right-click on the Orders and Open Attribute Table and look at that data in a tabular way. Is there a reason you would want to see such a large list in that view?


Jay Sandhu

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Deactivated User

The issue came up when I saved and closed GIS. I opened it the next day and started creating more orders, it was naming them correctly, but ultimately started back at "graphic pick 1" after a while. I would like to edit the names of these orders so there is no issue when I attempt to run the model.

If I'm reading your response correctly, I can edit the names in the attribute table? Is this the best way to do something like this or is there a better way?


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