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ArcGIS Monitor 2024 - Sample Size Intervals

11-14-2024 12:25 PM
Emerging Contributor

Where do I find a reference of the Metric sample size intervals for ArcGIS Monitor 2024? Or are they all 1 minute? Seems like something that should be listed on the individual metric page, i.e., Metrics > Request Response Time Avg.

I appreciate the support.

Bryan Monitor

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Are you referring to adjusting the metric interval?
Each registered component will have it's own set of observers which either collect Metrics, Inventory, Logs or Health Checks data, depending on the component type. See this link for a full list of these observers for each component type.
Observers have an execute interval that is adjustable between (1, 5, or 15 minutes).

Not sure if the above answered your question, but ArcGIS Monitor 2024 also has a Sample interval setting that you can also adjust for each alert rule.

Samples allow you to filter short-term spikes in metric data values and outlier data. For example, when an alert rule is configured to use the average of three samples and the component's Metrics observer is configured for one-minute intervals, the average of the metric data samples must be outside the configured threshold for three consecutive minutes before an alert is opened. If the average of three consecutive samples doesn't fall outside the configured alert threshold, no alert is opened.