Anyone know how to Auto-calculate Northing and Easing on a points creation. Attribute assistant?

05-11-2018 06:01 AM
New Contributor II

Would like to have a auto generation method for adding Northing and easting to my point feature classes upon creation instead of using Calculate Geometry to the two fields. 

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4 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Hey, Joe. I have seen this before and most folks "add a field" in the attribute table, make it a string, then: toolbox/ data management/ features/ add xy coordinates (data management). . .will you use U. S. survey foot or meters? this might help "The U.S. survey foot equals 1,200/3,937 m, or 0.3048006096 m. The international foot is 0.3048 meters."  I hope you get a better answer!


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New Contributor II

Thanks Joe I have a northing and easting field already (x,y) Survey ft. I'm trying to have it attribute the x,y on creation of the point. In otherwords I can Calculate the geometry for the fields after creating numerous points in a featureclass; say like hydrants or valve, but I want to save tiem by having them auto generate on creation like I would in attribute assistant for my unique ID or feature Id field

MVP Honored Contributor

In Attribute Assistant use the X_Coordinate and Y_Coordinate methods.  The coordinates are based on the feature class coordinate system and can be the Centroid or for lines the start or end of the line.  It is listed under the All Methods help page for Attribute Assistant.  Just Google it.

Like all Attribute Assistant methods, the X and Y coordinate methods can trigger at feature creation and/or in response to geometry (or attribute) changes.

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New Contributor II

Thanks Richard!

Joe Bendis

Town of Apex

Water Resources

GIS Specialist

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