Allow updating of Sharepoint data without having to manually re-add and replace

02-25-2021 01:26 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
New Contributor III

Right now if you want to update data pulled from Sharepoint in your Insights Workbook, you have to manually re-add the data, use Update to replace the old entity and then remove that old entity. This is very cumbersome and makes automating data refreshes impossible. Can we get the single-click Update arrows button to work for Sharepoint data the same way it does for Hosted Feature Layers?


This is a MUST have! Why else make data connection to a dynamic data set? 



I want certain teams, those who still insist on using spreadsheets for certain data, but want to see items in AGOL etc., to control that data in Sharepoint - easier learning transition. I don't want to then have to ensure Insights is refreshed by means of a manual intervention! Does not help with people buying into dynamic content and systems.


As our organization is moving some groups to SharePoint this is a must. Please allow the desktop version of ArcGIS Instights to connect to SharePoint or OneDrive data. Thanks!


This needs to happen. What is the point of allowing Insights to connect to SharePoint documents or Lists without the ability to automatically update?