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Can you turn off an items detail view?

10-30-2020 06:44 AM
Frequent Contributor

I added a Laserfiche database public URL as an item so that I could include it in a Gallery Card.  When clicked, it would open directly to the database.  Now, it is opening instead to a Details / metadata view page.  Can I turn this off?  I know my users aren't going to understand to use the Open button, and  the details page is allowing the database to be accessed, so people will just try to use that instead of going straight to the link.  The apps setting is already turned off on the site, so I know that's not it.

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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

Kara Shindle‌ -- thanks for reaching out.

Are you using a Document Link for the database URL?  The usage of Document Links varies quite a bit - where many customers simply use it to link to an external destination, others use it to identify a web resource which is never meant to be opened by viewers.  We are discussing internally how to handle this bifurcation on the use-case.

You do have an immediate workaround.  Register the Laserfiche database URL as an application -- Web Mapping will do just fine -- these currently open directly from the gallery card, header menu links, etc.

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