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Add AcrGIS Tracker to Creator User Type for tracking of Community members workign in the field

08-13-2024 09:51 PM
Occasional Contributor

ArcGIS Tracker functinality is needed for the Creator User type.

Not only in ArcGIS Hub Premium, but in our standard agol environment as well.

Our organisation is looking at using ArcGIS Hub Premium to manage large numbers of field workers. As a volunteer emeregency service, a large scale event (eg storm or flood) could have anywhere from 500 up to 2,000 (and more) users in the field using Field Maps, QuickCapture and Survey123 to collect field intelligence.

Hub Premium has been suggested as a close fit to allow us to manage our 10,000 plus volunteers as they engage and disengage with field data collection.

However, the only User Type available in Hub Premium is Creator, which does not include Tracker capability.

While we don't need to track every user in the field, there are definite use cases where this will be a requirement - one example is assisting Police with Land Search activities. We have an established suite of land search tools using QuickCapture, a WebApp and Dashboard (soon to be Experience Builder). 

Real-time tracking of all search members in the field provides important information for search commanders and provides a heightened level of safety to field members.

Ideally community members signing into Hub Premium could be set as the Mobile Worker User Type, however this is not an option and all members are Creators.

Adding ArcGIS Tracker to the Creator capabilities would be the quickest and easiest way to make this work for our use cases.