Here are the new feature and capabilities we've released in ArcGIS Hub in April. A full list of new features, improvements, changes, and bug fixes can be found on the ArcGIS Hub Changelog.
View private services in API Explorer
Added a 'View' button to the API Explorer, which allows authenticated users to view private services with their token applied. The API Explorer can be accessed on the item details page (/about) under "View API Resources", as well as the Explore page (/explore).
Shareable app cards
App cards are now shareable! For all app cards on Hub Sites, site owners will be able to configure shareability. When a card is made shareable, a small grey bar with a "Share" button will be added to the bottom, allowing users to copy a link that, when pasted into a web browser, will open that Hub page and scroll them directly to where the card is located.
Warning to publish site before cloning
We've added a warning pop-up to require site admins to publish a site or page before cloning it. Before, drafts were not purged before cloning, causing the site or page to clone the draft, along with references to the original apps, maps, or surveys, rather than the new ones created as part of the cloning process. This new pop-up will prevent that from happening, ensuring the latest, published version of a site or page is the one that is cloned.
Add custom distributions to Hub Feeds
Site admins can now add custom distributions to feeds using the Feeds Editor. Distributions that site admins define at the specified property (`distribution` for DCAT US 1.1, `dcat:distribution` for DCAT AP 2.0.1) will be prepended onto the existing distribution array. The `distribution` (or `dcat:distribution`) must be defined as an array, not an object, even if only one distribution is being added.
Save buttons for editing datasets
We've added save button to the individual tabs of the <siteurl>/datasets/edit route, rather than just having one save button at the top of the Edit navigation bar. Each tab now has a separate button, which will help with alerting and error handling.