Having trouble with visualizing data

10-18-2018 09:13 PM
New Contributor

Hi. I'm new to GeoPlanner and am trying to visualize data using Google FID. I have appended my other data with Google street FID that matches the same FID. However, when I try to visualize that data on Web Map, it is visualized in another area with a different FID. I added an example of FID with 982 of Barnet Shoals Road. When I see it in a map, it is located in a wrong FID location with FID of 1942. Google FID had two FIDs so I checked if I have mistakenly matched to that FID but that FID is not even close with 982. Is there something I have done wrong? Can anyone help me with this please?

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1 Reply
New Contributor II

Hi Jungho,

I'm a member of the GeoPlanner team. I'm not that familiar with the Google FID. Would you be able to provide more info on Google FID and what you're trying to do with it?


Kenneth Walton

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