Poll an external website for JSON - No date field, instead all the dates are a field.

04-14-2023 02:36 PM
New Contributor

This is an example of the json that is getting polled. I am having a problem parsing the "data" because I don't think it's an object so the dates are
being used as fields. How do I create a "Date" field and have the dates calculated over because I need the date and the value within it as well.
Any insight is appreciated!! Thank you, Catherine
{ "aggregate": "device", "aggregateId": 1, "aggregatePathNames": [], "deviceIds": [ 1 ], "resolution": "hourly", "calculation": "sum", "dataSignal": { "dataSignalId": 1, "title": "Wind speed", "unit": "m/s" }, "data": { "2020-01-01T00:00:00": 6.89, "2020-01-01T01:00:00": 8.33 } },
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