Create "Promotion" or "Marketing" material Flight Mode (aka pretty picture\video flight mode)

09-20-2022 03:09 PM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

Even though we love and promote all things GIS, a majority of our requested flights are actualy for just "pretty" pictures and video (promo\marketing shots). Since we want to use Sitescan as our one stop shop for all things drones and be our system of record for all drone flights, it would be nice if there were a "Promotion" or "Marketing" type flight mode that would be used to capture just the the raw pictures and video. It would be nice if the pictures and videos could be easily viewable\digestable\shareable like other created derivative products in the other flight modes.

by Esri Contributor
Status changed to: Needs Clarification

Hello @COSPNWGuy , currently the Flight app offers an Inspection flight mode. Unlike the other autonomous flight modes, Inspection is a manual flight mode where you can capture photos and videos. Is there additional functionality that you need for this purpose that the Inspection flight mode does not offer today?


Hi @dozer. Sorry for not being clear in my description. Having a manual flight (inspection mode) is exactly what you do not want when creating promotional material, particularly for video. It is completely inadequate. You want extremely smooth and fluid maneuvers and tracking functionality only possibly through a preplanned mission. I am envsioning something like Litchi but in the Sitescan framework. This is great quick overview video.

by Esri Contributor
Status changed to: Under Consideration

I can confirm this use case. We don't always need precise inspection photos or map grade products; we often get requests for video "fly-throughs" that are repeatable over time. For instance, a recent project we are scoping would fly video over a system of weirs every time there was a rain event to compare the water flow over time. We don't need still photos or 3D, just video in this case. But we want the flight path to be repeatable.


@JoeBryant1 What you're describing is already possible, you can use the Corridor flight mode for your example, enable video mode, save it as a flight plan and repeat it. 


@NicoBonnafoux That's good to know, Nico. Thanks for the response!