Explorer to GPX

02-02-2011 11:53 AM
New Contributor III
Need to export lines drawn in Explorer to GPX (GPS Exchange) format. 

Explorer can currently bring in and view GPX files and export to KML, but cannot export out to .gpx format to load onto my Garmin GPS receiver. Note that GPX "tracks" lines when loaded onto Garmin GPS, are truncated to 500 vertices.  So GPS cannot handle lines over 500 vertices, segments past 500 are for some reason clipped out (thanks Garmin).  So ideally, this export tool would split track lines (if needed) at 500 vertices, creating two or more added tracks, then convert them all (with other included points and lines) to GPX format.  Now practically, Explorer should at least be able to convert and export to GPX without truncating tracks (this could be done later in Garmin's Mapsource software).
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2 Replies
New Contributor III
Nate, I believe, it will be pretty straightforward to implement it as add-in with ArcGIS Explorer SDK. You can explorer this resource: http://help.arcgis.com/en/arcgisexplorer/1500/sdk/index.html
New Contributor III
Thanks, I will start researching the SDK, but ive seen requests for this type of conversion to GPX in numerous forums.  It would be extremely helpful for ESRI to better accomodate GPS formats.
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