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AGX Desktop is SSSSLLLLLOOOOWWW, takes a long time just to startup

02-02-2011 05:34 AM
Deactivated User
Has anyone figured out how to speed up the performance of AGX 1500.  It takes like 3 minutes to startup.  My bandwidth is good to excellent, como is good, and 3d graphics reports excellent.  It just takes for ever to launch.  Still get crashing problems when I close a file. especially with local layer files and kml file saved into the map, but not open for viewing.  What gives?
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11 Replies
Deactivated User
are you opening an empty map? If not, what's in your map?
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New Contributor
Hi everyone, I am sorry if you are having complications. I am starting a map to compile data that I record about a creek near my high school. This is for a science fair project. I have no clue how to do anything. If you have any tips please share them with me.
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Deactivated User
It is slow even with an empty map, I haven't tried saving just a blank map with the baemap cleared, I could try that, but when I open a map with just the  basemap it is still slow.  If I add any layers, even simple ArcGIS layers I have built in ArcMap, (local drive, or local network) it is very slow, and if I add another network connection then it about grinds to a halt.  I noticed it doesn't handle some KML files from the NOAA network very well either (sometimes just crashes).

If I add notes, etc to just the base map, without any other layers loaded, it is still slow.  I have run the speed tests and graphics tests and all reports come back good or excellent....

Here's a link to the NOAA kml file that consistently crashes AGX, but works fine in GE:

To the last gentleman with the creek project, ArcGIS explorer is a pretty good overall program for a mapping project.  Here is a link to the ArcGIS Explorer 1500 help files, read through them, I think you'll figure it out pretty quick.  I think for the most part (besides this slow issue) AGX is a much better platform than GE.  There are some other tools availible as Add-ins on the ArcGIS Explorer Gallery, should be able to find that in a search.

Here's the link to the helpfile:
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Deactivated User
Has anyone else had a chance to look at this issue???
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Deactivated User
Don, can you tell me how many seconds/minutes it takes AGX to load empoty map? Did you try to update your graphics card?
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New Contributor
Hi guys I experienced the same problem when I upgraded to ArcGIS 10. I struggled for a month and my main suspect was the network as working directly on the server as pretty quick, I then installed an update (was just playing around) found on this link

and everything went back to normal, I guess there was a security loop on the backgroung that prolonged the authentication of the client on the sever side.

hope it works for you.
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Deactivated User
When I open just a map in 2D with just ESRI basemap service it takes 10 seconds, fast enough for me.  30 seconds for the same map in 3D mode.  I have update my graphics card, and it is a good card with plenty of memory.  25 seconds with a simple ArcGIS layer loaded into my default map, 3D Mode. 9 seconds with 2D mode selected.  So it must be something with the way AGX  loads a 3D map that slows the system down.  KML's load faster as well in 2D mode, although the NOAA kml file I listed in an earlier post still crashed it in 2D mode.

So it appears the way AGX is processing 3D data is what is slowing my system down.  Compared to Google Earth, GE runs 3d much more smoothly, so ESRI may need to go back to the drawing board on the 3D engine of AGX to make it process faster.  I think AGX still has some problems processing certain kml files.  Maybe a dump to check KML files that work in GE would be helpful for programmers to check for problems parsing in AGX (ie, system crash).

Any other tips would be appreciated, otherwise I would encourage ESRI to continue improving the way AGX works to compete with the folks at Google.  I like AGX and wish I knew more about programming than I do so I could be a part of that development team.  It has come a long way, but needs to improve more.

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Deactivated User
Just check another KML file from a US Government site for tracking aircraft on the Automated flight following program.  It auto refreshes aircraft positions every 2 minutes.  I can't share that KML file becuase it is secure and resquires a username and password.  It will open slowlyin 3D mode, but crashes the program in 2D mode.  So keep working on the kml issues as well.....
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Deactivated User
anyone still following this thread?  Still sounds like bugs in the way AGX renderes layers.  I am still experiencing problems with KML file, Still very slow as I add a couple of files.  My computer doesn't give me th error message, just crashes.  Sometimes crashes when adding a ArcGIS Map layer file, it will take 10 to 15 minutes to load, then just crashes.  Hope the KML rendering and other rendering engines will be improved in 1700?  Or just a patch for 1500.  It is almost unusable if you need to show more than 3 or 4 layers.
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