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Private sections in Experience Builder for logged in users

05-03-2022 12:49 AM
Status: Open
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Regular Contributor

Experience Builder page works like a web page – it can be public or private.

In ArcGIS HUB there have the opportunity to set some section in page as private or shared with specific group of people. It would be a very nice addition for Expereince Builder page as well.

I could use then the same Experience Builder project for public as well for in corporate use, deppends on wether user is logged in or not.

Tags (1)

We have a number of public vs. private versions of the same apps. Would be great to consolidate into a single app in this way. Upvote from me.


Yes, or show different menu tabs based on whether the logged in user has been added to an appropriate group or not.


I agree, this would be great!